Saturday, January 29, 2011

About Me

Here I am a rabbit-hearted girl
Frozen in the headlights
It seems Ive made the final sacrifice
I must become a lion-hearted girl
Ready for a fight
Before I make the final sacrifice

"Rabbit Heart"- Florence + the Machine.

*  My thanks goes out to the ever lovely Florence Welch (and to this song), whom I adore as both an artist and lyricist. Not to mention that she's just a rocking ginger, right?

Without further ado:

This is a work of mostly non-fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the deep, dark chasm of the author’s imagination or her account of the random events of her daily life. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely intentional. 

Call me Fiver...

However, Mariah will suffice. I start my blog, as any world-wearied, uninspired, and humble writer may begin, with an homage to those who came before me. After all, as American filmmaker Jim Jarmusch stated in one of my favorite quotes:
Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery --- celebrate it if you feel like it.
Furthermore, this is a philosophy I carry into many facets of my life. So here I am, throwing my metaphorical confetti in the air and toasting my glass to authenticity. Celebration is sweet. 

Truth be told, I am merely putting off explaining who I am because as an ardent believer in many different beautiful and unique human experiences, I have a very hard time believing that I (or anyone) can encapsulate  who they are in the span of a conversation--- or in this case, a blog. Alas, if you expected an exposé or a tell-all, I do leave you thus unsatisfied. 
It is difficult, though, to be self-reflective. You know what I mean, right?


Well, as you can see my mind is a strange and colorful amalgamation of childish enthusiasm, music, whimsical literature, rainbows, and sunshine. Lest you judge me too harshly, however, these will serve as wonderful attributes if I actually someday become what I am working towards--- a teacher and advocate for play therapy working with refugee/displaced children and victims of abuse or war with PTSD. 

To put it in finely wrapped package, I am a junior (for all intents and purposes) here at the University of Texas at Austin. I share my home for now, with two guinea pigs, a betta fish, and our newest addition, Beatrix, the lionhead, who I acquired from a local schoolteacher. Alas, I have to tell you, as much as I love her, she is not a good classroom pet. For that matter, I am anti-school pet altogether.


* My gratuitous photos of Beatrix. Feel free to coo. She knows that she is adorable. 

I have also been known to interpret the no-pet policy at my apartment complex by "babysitting" my cat Remi (short for Remington) whenever my parents come down to visit. Here we are:

*Note my look of defiance towards the institution which keeps us apart. I bite my thumb at you, apartment complex. As a side note, Remi is one of our multitude of strays that ended up at our house. He had been shot in the abdomen by a local kid, and we nursed him back to health. 

Beyond that, most of my own opinions of myself are just that--- opinions. What I do know are a few mere facts. I am the youngest of five children, I grew up on a farm in a tiny German Catholic community, and I love my family desperately. Sources still disagree on the actual origin, but my childhood nick-name was Rabbit, by which this blog's name was inspired. It also sparked a soft spot in my heart forevermore for all things bunny-related. Plus, it is the year of the rabbit. You cannot get much more coincidental than that!
*Cassie, Mariah "Rabbit", and my mom in Colorado on family vacation. 

"The companions of our childhood always possess a certain power over our minds which hardly any later friend can obtain" ~
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

Furthermore, I am fiercely loyal to my roommates, who have affectionately dubbed us "Le Wolfpack," and we go on all kinds of crazy adventures exploring Austin. 

*My three roommates and our self-portraits on the sidewalk in front of our apartment. 
*My roommate Megan and I preparing the garlic bread for one of our beloved Friday Night Dinners. 
*Amy and I at Austin's Pizza, displaying our colors after Holi Festival. 
*My roommate Brittany and I at ReggaeFest. 

My hair changes color often. My minor even more so. However, for now I am officially a history and English major with minors in education and psychology--- idealistically bent on bettering the lives and minds of all those I encounter. I am an unapologetic optimist. I am a day-dreamer. I love hugs. 

*Representing the United States as a delegate at World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney, Australia, where many free hugs were to be had.  This particular hug came compliment of an attractive Englishman. I approved. 
"Optimist: Day-dreamer more elegantly spelled." ~ Mark Twain
There are many philosophies I consider when living my life, many encompassing respect and dignity for those around me, as well as humility and being open to experience.

I present to you a documentation of my experiences. This is a safe, little warren--- a haven of sorts. Hopefully, it will serve as a place of self-expression and inspiration. We shall see, I suppose.

Thank you so much for your time, dear readers,

Mariah Hoffman

* Final Note: My humble apologies and eternal gratitude to Richard Adams and Herman Melville, whom I shamelessly misinterpreted in my introduction of myself. ("Call me Fiver") I do love their works (Watership Down and Moby Dick, respectively) and wish only to do justice to the art of the written word. 

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